Tailored programs for universities students
A full hands on program that is centered around Artificial Intelligence (AI). Through its 4 main levels, the program targets participants from no science or engineering backgrounds to engineers and scientists in the field. These 4 levels are: • Introductory • Basic. • Intermediate. • Advanced.
During this program, students learn about Raspberry Pi (a credit-card-sized computer), and how to program it with python language. Students also build a car robot using Raspberry Pi, a GOPIGO circuit, two motors, an ultrasonic sensor, and the programming skills they’ve learnt to control the car while integrating science and math concepts.
Introduction to the Internet of Things by hands-on projects using littleBits cloudBit and other materials.
An introduction to the amazing micro-controller called Arduino. This course introduces the student to electronics, bread board and programming. By the end of each session, the student will be learning how to build a smart digital system.
This course is a combination of Robotics and C language, as participants will be learning how to program the MINDSTOMS robots using C language.
App Inventor utilizes drag and drop programming blocks to develop Apps. Students will explore the basic technology that they use every day. They will learn how to create their own Apps and download them onto their mobile devices or tablets.